Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dana and Dusty!

Sunday, a week ago, was my sister's birthday. We all went out for Chinese after church. This is the family chowing down. After lunch, Dana and I enjoyed a trip to the GAP. My sister is my best friend! We don't spend as much time together as I would like, but we make time as often as possible. Thanks, Dana, for always being there! Love Ya!

THE BIG 30!!!

As for Dusty, his birthday got caught up in the mix of everything. His birthday was the Monday after we got back from Nashville. The kids and I didn't forget about him, though. We got together a couple of gifts and a birthday cake. He worked late that night, so the kids wanted to surprise him. When he got home, we had all the lights out and the kids were hiding under the kitchen table. When he came in, the kids jumped out and screamed, "Surprise!" He was truly surprised. Thank you Dusty for all the hours you put in for this family! You may not realize how much we notice and appreciate all that you do. You have become such a good husband, father and most importantly, Christian these past few years! I'm proud of you! I love you with all of my heart! Happy Birthday, Honey!

1 comment:

christy said...

Y ou are so lucky to have a sister to be best friends with. I never had a sister, but always wanted one. Always cherish her as well as the rest of your family.
Happy birthday to Dusty!!! When are you guys free enough to come to dinner?